Why Low Calorie Diet Will Crash Your Metabolism

The Problem Is Not Your Low-Calorie Diet

Low-calorie diets do not ruin your metabolism.

In actuality, the adaptation component of your metabolism slowing down during dieting is a lot smaller than you would think. The fact is that eating in a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. 

The only way to lose fat is to restrict your calorie intake! Many people are misled to think that doing so will hurt their metabolisms and this is far from the truth.

For example, if someone were to eat below their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate – which is the amount of energy expressed in calories that a person needs to keep the body functioning at rest.) weight loss will happen.

But is eating super low calories every day, easy and sustainable? Hell No! 

And that’s the issue a lot of people face. 

Going on a crash diet typically ends up with you “crashing” and overeating, ruining any progress you made. If one were to be completely honest with themselves and accurately tracking calorie intake, chances are, they probably are not hitting that low in calories.

With that said, it’s not necessarily a damaged metabolism for not seeing the desired weight loss. Not in the least.

The reality that you’re not seeing desired fat loss is because you’re not following a sustainable plan you could stick to for the long term.

Low Calorie Diets Work But You Still Shouldn’t Do Them

Building a couple important strategies into your plan will make dieting to lose body fat effortless. In the past, I've struggled for a long period of time to get really lean.

You see, I had done the super low-calorie intake (1400-1700 calories per day), and wow, that was miserable.

It was an awful experience, and my sex drive was shot and I could never fully stick with it long enough to see tangible results.

The key is a balanced intake of macros to best support sex drive and training, finding a diet approach you can stick with. I have used intermittent fasting to make dieting much easier but find what is sustainable to stick within the long term for you. My recommendation is about a 500-calorie deficit or 50+ to lose use goal body weight. 

What's important is to learn to accept where you are right now, enjoy the process, and make your nutrition habits rewarding and something that we can continue with ease.

When you can finally enjoy the process and see weekly progress, it truly is beautiful.

An important strategy I learned from that, which has allowed me to reach sub 8% body fat, is listening to my body.

When you keep trying to go against your body and resisting your natural instincts, that’s when dieting becomes difficult.

Make sure you have your calories properly dialed in for fat loss, but if on some days you have some cravings and need to eat around maintenance, then do so.

Or even if you feel full and satisfied before you finish all your calories and macros, that’s fine. It’s okay to go under your calories if you’re satisfied on a cut.

This allows you to stay consistent for the long term and enjoy your journey so the awesome physique you build is sustainable.

As well, this teaches you to work with your body, so maintaining high testosterone levels and a very low body fat becomes much easier. 

I’ll help YOU shred body fat without giving up your favorite foods.🔥🔥
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